Simple Tips for Selling Your Jewelry for Top dollar
When people go through their jewelry box they often discover that they have quite a few items that they no longer wear. Rather than letting them sit in there taking up space, why not consider selling them. Selling jewelry on Diamond District is surprisingly easy, and you can often get more money than you might expect. Even if the piece of damaged or broken, you can still make a lot of money when you complete the sale.
When looking to sell jewelry in Essex County, however, it is essential to avoid common mistakes and take specific steps to ensure the entire process goes smoothly. Our goal is to always help you to ensure the selling experience goes as good as possible, so take some time to review the following tips. They will help you to sell your jewelry faster, and make more money in the process.
Sell Your Jewelry Today
These tips were developed based on the years of experience we have buying and selling jewelry in this area. Whether you choose to sell to us or not, these tips will help you along the way.
• Sell it As-Is – Many people try to polish or clean their jewelry before getting it appraised. This is a big mistake because it can actually damage the piece. If you sell to a reputable buyer, they will be able to clean it properly without a problem.
• Sell Multiple Items at Once – Many people sell an old piece of jewelry, and then when they realize how much they can make, they bring in additional items to sell. It is often best to try to sell multiple items at once so you can get the money faster, and can often get more per piece. Look for any jewelry, coins, antiques or other items of value that you may want to sell and group them together.
• Avoid Unsafe Meets – There are many ways today where you can make arrangements to sell items online or over the phone, and then meet somewhere to complete the transaction. While they may be tempting, these are not a safe option. Thousands of people have been robbed, assaulted or worse when trying to complete these deals.
• Don’t Assume the Price – One of the biggest mistakes people make is assuming that their jewelry is not worth very much, so they don’t even try to sell it. The fact is, many types of jewelry are worth more today than ever before thanks to the high prices of gold and other precious metals.
Free Appraisals
If you want to sell jewelry in Essex Country, one of the best things you can do is start out by coming into our shop for a free, no-obligation appraisal. We will look closely at your items and let you know how much they are worth. If you would like, you can sell them to us on the spot and get paid top dollar for them. If you would rather keep them, or even try to sell them somewhere else, that is fine too.